I really hate to sit and look at all the bills, and at all the money I DON"T have after I pay the long list! I really do not like money! To bad the world resolves around it!
Since this is my journey to SAVE & Simplify...
Here is my being honest, about a scary thing, so please don't judge...
Let me tell a little about me. I have been 'budgeting' for years. But not really MAKING the numbers match! I look at what is coming in, pay the bills... and then I kinda don't think about it.
NOT a good thing! I do keep a mental note, but not a good way to do it!
We have been working hard to get out of debt. And it seems like every step forward, turns into 2 steps backward! VERY frustrating!!!
So as I re-start my journey, change it up and really find out what works for me, hopefully I will find something that will work! And I hope that you to can find something that works for you! If you already found it, share!
I have poured over ideas, tips, websites... for hours trying to find something that will work for me.
I am cheap and hate to pay money for downloads and all that, when I can just write it myself, or make my own worksheet if I really want to... I found a few sites with free downloads and a lot of sites with info and tips on budgeting and saving. All of the ones I thought had something of interest, that might help me or you, I put on my Pinterest board: Budget ideas and tips
So go look check it out, see lots of info, get ideas, tips and so on...
A lot of them say the same basic things, so basic I looked and thought, 'yeah, I know that already', or 'I am already doing that', and some that 'That won't work for me'.
Here is what I pulled from them, what I think I can use and add to my life, and what I am going to be trying.
1-I am going to keep working on my FULL Menu plan, with all 3 meals, only buying what I need for us, so I can get & keep my grocery budget down.
My goal is $100 a week/ $200 a paycheck, for grocery items. This past 2 week period, I didn't do as well as I would like. I was about $300, which is over what I wanted, but still down from before I started it. So I will be working on cutting it even more!
2- I am going to write my budget out, and check it often, making sure I STICK to it!
I am good about bills, they are monthly and planned, but we always seem to spend more at random than we should! I think I have done better the last 2 weeks tho, so I will keep at it.
I know one very popular way to do this is to use cash for everything. I am half good with this. LOL
Both my hubby and I hate having to go in a pre-pay for gas, so that doesn't work so much for us. When I do my one BIG shopping trip for groceries for the 2 week meal plan, I would rather not have to pay cash for it. Last time it was $160, so than for me it is easier to than get cash for the remainder, and for any 'extra' spending, like fun things ect. So for me the cash/envelope system is only going to half work. I will just be really keeping track of things. I did find one website that does the envelopes, but instead of using cash, writes everything on the outside, and puts the receipt on the inside, still using their debt card. That is one I might be trying...
Both my hubby and I hate having to go in a pre-pay for gas, so that doesn't work so much for us. When I do my one BIG shopping trip for groceries for the 2 week meal plan, I would rather not have to pay cash for it. Last time it was $160, so than for me it is easier to than get cash for the remainder, and for any 'extra' spending, like fun things ect. So for me the cash/envelope system is only going to half work. I will just be really keeping track of things. I did find one website that does the envelopes, but instead of using cash, writes everything on the outside, and puts the receipt on the inside, still using their debt card. That is one I might be trying...
Oh, here is her site:
3- I am going to try and cut what I can out of my budget.
Very basic, list all expenses, and see what can go! A lot of times you can call your utilities like cable and telephone and they will help you lower your bill, its worth a try! I got my cable bill down $30 a month just by asking!!!
4- I am going to be really working on getting OUT of DEBT!!!
Hopefully I can save more doing the above, and put more on our debt to get it GONE!!!
5- I am going to be building my savings!
And I am hoping to do this at the same time!!! I found this one great idea:
Basically, you put so much in a jar each week, and it adds up!!! Each week you double what goes in! I am going to take it right out of my grocery and extra expenses!
Plus we can put in any extra change found around!
What are you doing to cut your budget and get out of debt or save!?
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